News & Resources — News Announcements

Help for the Phillippines.

Our hearts go out to the thousands of people devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in the Phillippines. Said to be one of the world’s most powerful typhoons ever recorded, its level of destruction is hard to comprehend. 10,000 fatalities are feared.

What’s more, recovery efforts are greatly impeded—if not made impossible altogether-by decimated roads and debris. Survivors are stranded in wholly-destructed towns with no water, food or shelter.

While it’s easy to feel somewhat helpless here in the US, some 8,000 miles away, we were heartened by the act of donating. Buan is pleased to contribute to relief efforts to help this recovery.

If you’re interested in helping, here are some options to consider donating to.

Let’s hope relief comes quickly.

Posted in News Announcements