Legacy System Integration

Solving system puzzles.

It happens. Disparate solutions are often the answer to organizations experiencing rapid growth, tight budgets and increasing customer demands. One may power your customer data, another may track internal processes, and other for sales outreach. While it provides a short-term solution, it usually is arduous to consolidate and doesn’t help “connect the dots” to help steer the organization forward.

Productivity. Better data. Tracking of efforts. Unified data. These are goals Buan Consulting has delivered on by consolidating legacy systems for our clients over the last fifteen years. It is our belief that there is “always an answer.” We work with our clients to engineer a plan to migrate existing data and recalibrate processes to improve productivity moving forward.

Some systems are just old. Some may work well. Some are done with pencil and paper. We’ve got a lot of experience looking “under the hood” and ascribing a strategy to unify all moving parts into a cohesive, single solution that provides actionable data and information.
