News & Resources — Case Studies

UR Solar Power: A Case Study

Problem: UR Solar acquired from a previous company as a result of a business transaction. The preceding system was configured with data and functions that did not meet their current needs or requirements.

Challenge: Needed to update the inherited system to coincide with current sales/lead management processes of the new company.

Solution: Working in full sandbox availability, Buan Consulting was able to rework the previous triggers and workflows, fill with data and test with users before moving to full production.

Benefits/Results: Restructured and enhanced UR Solar’s previous system to meet the current needs of up to 40 portal users, while validating the security around certain information. We created a strong relationship with UR Solar and are currently in a “support as needed” mode on this project.

“The use of Buan Consulting services allowed us to remain focused on our core business instead of becoming Salesforce experts.  The process changes implemented by Buan resulted in improved reporting and reduced manual processing.  Technical support from Buan allowed us to resolve Salesforce issues that could not be readily resolved by Salesforce Technical Support.  The Buan staff worked quickly to resolve several technical problems, ensuring minimum business disruption.  Buan continues to make us feel like a valued customer.”
– Robert Shields, Director, UR Solar Power, LLC

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