News & Resources — News Announcements

Buan adds two new clients to its roster

Buan is thrilled to announce partnership with two new clients this month-further deepening its industry verticals in both economic development and technology.

Commerce Rhode Island, an organization focused on economic development growth for the state of Rhode Island, looks to Buan to digitize internal systems currently being managed manually via spreadsheets. Their goal is to improve visibility and accountability within the organization-and to provide actionable insights to foster strategic decision making.

Chesapeake Systems specializes in developing IT solutions for demanding digital workflow challenges for creative professionals. Chesapeake Systems is leveraging Buan’s expertise to help transition a large-scale customer portal into the Salesforce cloud.

“We’re delighted to be partnering with these two new organizations. We’re able to bring our Salesforce expertise to the table, and in exchange we’re granted the opportunity to delve even deeper into unique industry requirements within the economic development and technology sectors. These are industries we love to study and continue to refine our solutions for,” quotes Dan Buan, CEO of Buan Consulting.

Posted in News Announcements