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Register for Our Panel Discussion at Dreamforce 2015!

Ready for CPQ? Best Practices to Successfully Prepare, Deliver and Deploy CPQ

September 15th
Metreon AMC Theaters, Metreon Theater 15
2:30 PM

Companies of all sizes and industries are implementing CPQ (Configure Price Quote) apps to automate and streamline their quoting processes. How do you know if this is the right move for your business? Join us to learn to identify the pain points that can be addressed by CPQ, and best practices for a successful implementation and deployment.

Buan Consulting CEO, Dan Buan, and SteelBrick COO, Joachim Klein, will be teaming up with PAR Springer-Miller Systems Vice President of Enterprise Systems, Greg Coolidge and Marketo Vice President of Sales Operations, Jeffrey Serlin during a panel discussion on Tuesday, September 15th at 2:30 PM, to identify pain points that can be addressed by CPQ, and best practices for a successful implementation and deployment.

Click here for more information on how to register and attend this event.

Posted in Events, News Announcements